1956 Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY
1957 A.S. College of Eastern Utah, Price, UT
1959 B.A. Brigham Young University (Highest Honors), Provo, UT
1960 M.A. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
1963 Ph.D. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Carbon County School District – Director of Bands, Helper City Schools, Helper, UT, 1955-57
Brigham Young University – Acting Director, Cougar Marching Band – Varsity Concert Band, Provo, UT, 59-60
Florida State University, 1960 – Graduate Assistant
1961 – Instructor
1964 – Assistant Professor
1969 – Associate Professor
1973 – Professor
1985 – Daisy Flory Parker Alumni Professor
1988 – Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor
1990 – University Distinguished Teacher Professor
Coordinator of Music Education/Music Therapy/Contemporary Media, 1977-Present
Acting Director of Music Therapy, 1966-67
Music Ensembles:
Associate Director, Concert Band – Marching Chiefs, 1963-65
Conductor, Brass Choir, 1963; Guest Conductor, Symphonic Band, 1961-65
Performances, State Symphony, 1963; Symphonic Band Tour, 1964
Experimental Research in Music (Graduate)
Seminar in Contemporary Instructional Techniques (Graduate)
Psychology of Music, Survey – Research – Laboratory (Graduate- Undergraduate)
Curriculum Studies in Music Education (Graduate)
Classroom Management (Undergraduate)
Behavior Modification in Music (Graduate)
Practicum in Music (Graduate)
Developments in Music Education Curricula (Graduate)
College Teaching – Curriculum in Higher Education (Guest, Department of Higher Education)
Applied Trumpet, Horn, and Lower Brass
Music Education Methods and Materials (Instrumental – Elementary)
College of Music Activities:
Audiovisual Committee, 1962-70
Curriculum Revision Committee, 1966-67
Recital Examination Committee, 1966-68
Computer Usage Committee, 1965-72
Research Committee, 1965-68
Committee on Grants, 1972
Graduate Faculty Steering Committee, 1975-78, 1979-86, 87-00
Committee to Develop a Student Evaluation of Faculty, 1991, Chair
NASM School of Music Accreditation Committee, 1998, 2008
Faculty Advisory Committee, 1967-Present
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1971-Present (Chair, 1973-92, 94-Present)
Selection Committee for Dean, 1979, (Chair) 1993, (Chair) 2005, (Chair) 2013
University Activities:
Faculty Senate, 1965-Present
Honors Counselor, Division of Basic Studies, 1963-Present
Planning Board, Experimental College, 1964-67
Representative, Student Evaluation of Faculty, 1965-66
Faculty Elections Committee, 1966-67
Selection Committee, Dean of Arts and Sciences, 1966
Faculty Honors Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1966-68
Academic Affairs Committee, 1966-68
Graduate Council, 1967-68
Selection Committee, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1969 (Chair)
Task Force on Student Involvement in Governance of the FSU 1971
Executive Committee AAUP, 1970-72
Admissions Committee, 1970-73
Committee on Faculty Research Support, 1969-72
Graduate Research Council, 1972-74
Minority Affairs Associate, 1972-79
Equal Employment opportunity Committee, 1979-93
Divisional Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1974-77
Graduate Policy Council, 1974-77
Academic Review Monitoring Committee, 1975-76
Academic Reorganization Committee, 1975-78
Foundation Grants Advisory Committee, 1977-79
Selection Committee, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1977
Committee on Faculty Sabbaticals, 1978-80
University Foundation, 1979-80
University Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1971-92; 93-13
Steering Committee – Faculty Senate, 1972-74, 75-76, 77-87, 88-2014
State University System Faculty Forum, 1979-80
President, Faculty Senate, 1979-80
Ad hoc Committee on University Faculty Club, 1980
Selection Committee, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chair, 1981
Advisory Board, Center for Professional Development and Public Service, 1981-97
Merit Pay Procedures Committee, Chair, 1984
Steering Committee, Institutional Self-Study SACS, 1982-84; 2002-04
Grievance Committee, 1984-87
University Council on Teaching, 1996-
Torch Awards Committee, 1997-
Strategic Planning and Budgeting, Review Committee, 1985-86
President’s Teaching Awards Committee, Chair, 1986-89
Faculty Senate Budget Committee, 1987-97, 99-14
Committee to Review University Reorganization, 1988
Committee on Appointments, 1988-90
Student Athletic Fee Committee, 1991-92
Project Steering Committee – Administrative Organization and Operations, 1989
Presidential search Advisory Committees, 1997, 1991, 1993, 2002, 2009
Board of Regents Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, Chair, 1995
Advisory Committee for Short-Course Rule, 1995
Advisory Committee for Excess Degree Requirements, 1996
Review of Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1996
Committee on the Future, 1997-98
Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee, 1998
Francis Eppes Selections Advisory Committee, Chair, 1998-
Committee to Review the Center for Professional Development, 2001-02
University Budget Committee, 2000-Present (Faculty Chair since 2004)
Florida Board of Education, Committee on Accountability, 2002
Budget Crisis Committee, 2000-
Eagle Scout, Troop #238 Price Utah 1949
Phi Kappa Phi 1957
Phi Kappa Lambda 1962
Omicron Delta Kappa 1965
Gold Medal – Most Outstanding Graduate, College of Eastern Utah 1957
Keeler Award – Most Outstanding Musician, Brigham Young University 1959
Klein Memorial Scholarship, Brigham Young University 1958
Rocky Mountain Forensics Invitational: 1st Place – Men’s Oratory 1956
Rocky Mountain Forensics Invitational: 1st Place – Impromptu Speaking 1956
Phi Rho Pi National Speech Meet; Finalist Debate – Men’s Oratory 1956
Tau Beta Sigma (Honorary Member) 1965
Kappa Kappa Psi (1st Honorary Member at Florida State University) 1963
Who’s Who in American Education 1985
Outstanding Educators of America 2007
Leaders in Education 1971
Dictionary of International Biography 1972
Men of Achievement 1977
Who’s Who in America 1964-contiuously
International Who’s Who in Music 1985
President’s Teaching Award, The Florida State University 1977
The World Who’s Who of Musicians 1980
International Who’s Who in Education 1985
International Directory of Distinguished Leadership
Who’s Who in the World (Pearl Edition)1980
Ross Oglesby Award 1997
President’s Council for Excellence in College Teaching 1996
Special Recognition Award for Research, SEC-NAMT, 1st Recipient 1985
Listed in Groves dictionary of Music
University Distinguished Teacher Professor, The Florida State University, 1st Group of
Recipients 1989
Guardian of the Flame Faculty Award, The Florida State University, 1st Group of Recipients
Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, The Florida State University, 1st Group of
Recipients 2004
Honorary Doctorate, Utah State University-College of Eastern Utah, Price 2009
Curtural Leadership Citation, Yale University 2007
Wall of Fame Recipent FSU Band Alumni Association 2012
Florida Band Association, Role of Distinction 2015
FSU Emeritus Alumni Society Commitment to Excellent Award 2019
Highest Awards Given in Field
Publications Award, National Association for Music Therapy, 1st Recipient 1988
Senior Researcher Award, Music Educators National Conference, 1st Recipient 1986-1988
Award of Merit, National Association for Music Therapy, 1st Recipient 1988
Presidential Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Music Therapy, National Association for Music Therapy
Distinguished Service to Music Medal, Highest Honor Bestowed by Kappa Kappa Psi (National Band Fraternity) 1999
Outstanding Music Therapy Pioneer Award (for establishing one of five international models of music therapy), World Federation of Music Therapy 1999
Music Educators National Conference Hall of Fame 2002
Lowell Mason Fellow, Music Educators National Conference 2002
Lifetime Achievement Award, American Association for Music Therapy 2006
Presidential Citation: Special Recognition for 50 years of Continuous Refereed Research Presentations at the National Conferences of the American Music Therapy Association 2010.
Presidential Award, Extraordinary Committee Leadership, Research Committee AMTA 1976-2011
Honorary Life Member, Research Commission, International Society for Music Education,
Brazil 2016
Honorary Life Membeer, International Society for Music Educaioon 2018
Lifetime Acheivment Award, Society for Education, Music and Psychogly 2019
Clinch County Board of Education, Homerville, GA 1968-74
Panhandle Area Educational Cooperative, Chipley,FL 1969-71
Vocational Rehabilitation, Orlando District, FL 1969-71
Research and Development Center, Athens, GA 1969-70
Dade County Board of Education, Miami, FL 1969-70
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ 1978-80
Psycho-Educational Consulting, Inc., Tallahassee,FL 1968-75
Yamaha National Music Education Research Project 1991-96
CIEM, Collegium Musicum de Buenos Aires, Argentina 1993-
Program Review, Oberlin Conservatory, Oberlin, OH 1994
Program Review, School of Music, University of the Pacific, CA 1996
Program Review, Department of Music, University of Memphis, TN 1999-2005
Proposal Review, New York Academy of Sciences, NY 1999
Program Review, School of Music and Dance, San Diego State Univ. CA 2001
Program Review, Conservatory of Music, UMKC, Kansas City, KA 2001
Program Review, Graduate Music, University of Miami, Miami Florida, 2010
Academic Advisory Committee, University CAECE, Buenos Aries, Argentina 2003-
External Evaluator for Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, Hong Kong 2002-2014
External Evaluator for The Devereaux Glenholme School, Washington, CT, 2003-05
External Consultant for the Sounds of Learning Project, UNCG, Greensboro, NC 2005-07
External Consultant fMRI Studies in Music, Institute of Neurology FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008
Juvenile Court Counselor – Leon County Juvenile Court, RufusD.Jefferson, Judge, 1963-73
Clinics – Guest Conductor, Trumpet Soloist, Band and Applied Brass
Adjudication – Regional and State Contests (Bands, Solos, and Ensembles)
Lecturer – Behavior Modification in Juvenile Delinquency
Senior Citizens Advisory Board, Tallahassee, FL, 1984-91
Founding Member, Board of Governors, University Center Club, Executive Board, 1996-2007
Madsen, C. K. (1962). A study of directional harmonic minor scale solo performance. Utah Music Educator, 7(1), 13.
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Standley, J. M. & Prickett, C. A. (Eds.). Research in Music Therapy: A Tradition of Excellence. Outstanding Reprints from the Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 637-642). Silver Spring, MD: National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., 1994.
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Madsen, C. K. (1967). Intonation in scalar vocal performance. NATS Bulletin, 23(4), 4; 6-7.
Madsen, C. K., Cotter, V. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1968). A behavioral approach to music therapy. Journal of Music Therapy, 5(3), 69-71.
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1968). Music as a behavior modification technique with a juvenile delinquent. Journal of Music Therapy, 5(3), 72-76.
Standley, J. M. & Prickett, C. A. (Eds.). Research in Music Therapy: A Tradition of Excellence. Outstanding Reprints from the Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 585-590). Silver Spring, MD: National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., 1994.
Madsen, C. H., Jr., Madsen, C. K., Hoffman, M., Thomas, D. R. & Koropsak, B. (1969). Comparisons of toilet training techniques. In D. M. Gelfand (Ed.), Social learning in childhood: Readings in theory and applications (pp. 124-132). Belmont, CA: Brooks-Cole Publishing Co.
Michel, D. E. & Madsen, C. K. (1969). Examples of research in music therapy as a function of undergraduate education. Journal of Music Therapy, 6(1), 22-25.
Madsen, C. K., Wolfe, D.E. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1969). The effect of reinforcement and directional scalar methodology on intonational improvement. Council for Research in Music Education, 18, 22-33.
Madsen, C. K., Edmonson, F. A. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1969). Modulated frequency discrimination in relationship to age and musical training. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 46(6), 1468-1472.
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Madsen, C. K. & Franklin, A. D. (1970). Philosophies in conflict. The Music Journal, 28(6), 49-51.
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Madsen, C. K. (1971). How reinforcement techniques work. Music Educators Journal, 57(8), 38-41.
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Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1972). Selection of music listening or candy as a function of contingent versus noncontingent reinforcement and scale singing. Journal of Music Therapy, 9(4), 190-198.
Madsen, C. K. & Forsythe, J. L. (1973). Effect of contingent music listening on increases of mathematical responses. Journal of Research in Music Education, 21(2), 176-181.
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MSS Information Corporation, New York, NY, 1976.
Curriculum Planning: A New Approach, 6th Edition, Allyn & Bacon, Inc. 1992.
Curriculum Planning: A Contemporary Approach, 7th Edition, Allyn & Bacon, Inc. 1999.
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Madsen, C. H., Jr., Madsen, C. K. & Thompson, F. (1974). Increasing rural head start children’s consumption of middle-class meals. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 7(2), 257-262.
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Madsen, C. K., Michel, D. E. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1975). The use of music stimuli in teaching language discrimination. In Research in music behavior (pp.182-190). New York, NY: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
Madsen, C. K. & Yarbrough, C. (1975). The effect of experimental design on the isolation of dependent and independent variables. In Research in music behavior (pp.226-243). New York, NY: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
Madsen, C. K., Moore, R. S., Wagner, M. J. & Yarbrough, C. (1975). A comparison of music as reinforcement for correct mathematical responses versus music as reinforcement for attentiveness. Journal of Music Therapy, 12(2), 84-95.
Madsen, C. K., Dorow, L. G., Moore, R. S. & Womble, J. U. (1976). Effect of music via television as reinforcement for correct mathematics. Journal of Research in Music Education, 24(2), 51-59.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1976). Preferences for trumpet tone quality versus intonation. Council for Research in Music Education, 46, 13-22.
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Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1976). Choice of televised music lessons versus free play in relationship to academic improvement. Journal of Music Therapy, 13(4), 154-162.
Madsen, C. K. (1978). Theory versus practice: A psychology of music survey. Journal of Music Therapy, 15(1), 2-8.
Madsen, C. K. (1978). Research on research: An evaluation of research presentations. Journal of Music Therapy, 15(2), 67-73.
Madsen, C. K. (1979). Modulated beat discrimination among musicians versus nonmusicians. Journal of Research in Music Education, 27(2), 57-67.
Madsen, C. K. (1979). The effect of music subject matter as reinforcement for correct mathematics. Council for Research in Music Education, 59, 54-58.
Madsen, C. K. & Wolfe, D. E. (1979). The effect of interrupted music and incompatible responses on bodily movement and music attentiveness. Journal of Music Therapy, 16(1), 17-30.
Madsen, C. K. & Alley, J. M. (1979). The effect of reinforcement on attentiveness: A comparison of behaviorally trained music therapists and other professionals with implications for competency-based academic preparation. Journal of Music Therapy, 16(2), 70-82.
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Madsen, C. H., Jr. & Madsen, C. K. (1980). A positive approach to classroom management. Early Years, 10(8).
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Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1981). The effect of a distraction index on improving practice attentiveness and musical performance. Council for Research in Music Education, 66-67, 46-52.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1981). Verbal and operant discrimination–preference for tone quality and intonation. Psychology of Music, 9(1), 26-30.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1981). Discrimination between tone quality and intonation in unaccompanied flute/oboe duets. Journal of Research in Music Education, 29(4), 305-313.
Madsen, C. K. (1982). Graduate versus undergraduate scholarship: What should be our expectations? College Music Symposium, 22(1), 73-77.
Madsen, C. K. (1982). The effect of contingent teacher approval and withholding music performance on improving attentiveness. Psychology of Music, Special issue, 76-81.
Madsen, C. K. & Flowers, P. (1983). Effect of tuning in an attempt to compensate for pitch/quality errors in flute/oboe duets. Contributions to Music Education, 9, 2-9.
Madsen, C. K. & Staum, M. J. (1983). Discrimination and interference in the recall of melodic stimuli. Journal of Research in Music Education, 31(1), 15-31.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1983). Attending behavior as a function of in-class activity in university music classes. Journal of Music Therapy, 20(1), 30-38.
Madsen, C. K. (1983). Ideas versus behavior: Comparisons of children and adults’ ability to specify measurable behavior. Journal of Music Therapy, 20(4), 170-178.
Standley, J. M. & Prickett, C. A. (Eds.). Research in Music Therapy: A Tradition of Excellence. Outstanding Reprints from the Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 872-881). Silver Spring, MD: National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., 1994.
Madsen, C. K. (1984). Some beginnings of applied behavior analysis in music education and music therapy. In W.L. Heward, et al., Focus on Applied Behavior Analysis in Education (pp. 1-13). Charles E. Merrill.
Madsen, C. K., Duke, R.A. & Geringer, J. M. (1984). Pitch and tempo discrimination in recorded band music among wind and percussion musicians. Journal of Band Research, 20(1), 20-29.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1984). Pitch and tempo discrimination in recorded orchestral music among musicians and nonmusicians. Journal of Research in Music Education, 32(3), 195-204.
Price, H. E. (Ed.) Music Education Research: An Anthology from the Journal of Research in Music Education (pp. 253-262). Reston, VA: Music Educators National Conference, 1998.
Madsen, C. K. & Furman, C. E. (1984). Graduate versus undergraduate scholarship: Research acquisition and dissemination. Journal of Music Therapy, 21(4), 170-176.
Madsen, C. K. (1985). Developing a research agenda: Issues concerning implementation. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Schools of Music, 60, 37-43.
Madsen, C. K. (1985). Making research apply to your classroom. Music Educators Journal, 71(8), 18-19.
Madsen, C. K. (1985). Research in music for the handicapped. Music Education for the Handicapped, 1(1), 25-28.
Madsen, C. K. & Duke, R. A. (1985). Perception of approval/ disapproval in music education. Council for Research in Music Education, 85, 119-130.
Madsen, C. K. & Duke, R. A. (1985). Observation of approval/ disapproval feedback in music: Perception versus actual classroom events. Journal of Research in Music Education, 33(3), 205-214.
Price, H. E. (Ed.) Music Education Research: An Anthology from the Journal of Research in Music Education (pp. 399-408). Reston, VA: Music Educators National Conference, 1998.
Madsen, C. K. (1986). Research and music therapy: The necessity for transfer. Journal of Music Therapy, 23(2), 50-55.
Standley, J. M. & Prickett, C. A. (Eds.). Research in Music Therapy: A Tradition of Excellence. Outstanding Reprints from the Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 882-887). Silver Spring, MD: National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., 1994.
Madsen, C. K., Duke, R. A. & Geringer, J. M. (1986). The effect of speed alterations on tempo note selection. Journal of Research in Music Education, 34(2), 101-110.
Duke, R. A., Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1986). The effect of speed alterations on high school musicians’ tempo note selections. Journal of Band Research, 21(2), 37-46.
Madsen, C. K. (1987). Background music: Competition for focus of attention. In Applications of Research in Music Behavior (pp. 315-325). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Madsen, C. K. (1987). Research in music: Science or art? Design for Arts in Education, 88(5), 10-14.
Ana Lucia Frega (Trans.). Centro de Investigacion in Education Musical 3, No.8, (pp 5-10). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1996.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1987). Programmatic research in music: Perception and performance of intonation. In Applications of Research in Music Behavior (pp. 244-253). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1987). Pitch and tempo preferences in recorded popular music. In Applications of Research in Music Behavior (pp. 204-212). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Madsen, C. K. & Duke, R. A. (1987). The effect of teacher training on the ability to recognize need for giving approval for appropriate student behavior. Council for Research in Music Education, 91, 103-109.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1987). An investigation of transfer: Music education research and applied instruction. Council for Research in Music Education, 91, 45-49.
Madsen, C. K. & Prickett, C. A. (1987). Graduate versus undergraduate scholarship: A comparison of essay responses concerning professional responsibilities of music teachers. Journal of Research in Music Education, 35(3), 191-197.
Madsen, C. K. & Sims, W. L. (1987). The effect of long-term versus short-term training on the ability of music students to differentiate behavioral principles. Journal of the International Association of Music for the Handicapped, 3(1), 3-15.
Standley, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1987). Intensity as an attribute of effective therapist/client interaction. Quodlibet, Summer, 15-21.
Duke, R. A., Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1988). Effect of tempo on pitch perception. Journal of Research in Music Education, 36(2), 108-125.
Madsen, C. K. (1988). Intensity as an attribute of effective teaching. Research in Music Education: A Festschrift for Arnold Bentley. Anthony Kemp (Ed.) ISME, Edition Two, 45-52.
Casey, J. L. Teaching Techniques and Insights for Instrumental Music Teachers. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1991; 2nd Edition, 1993.
Madsen, C. K. (1988). The relationship of teacher on-task to perceived teacher effectivene. Current Issues in Music Education, 3, 2-8.
Madsen, C. K. (1988). Senior researcher award acceptance address. Journal of Research in Music Education, 36(3), 133-139.
Price, H .E. (Ed.) Music Education Research: An Anthology from the Journal of Research in Music Education (pp. 3-5). Reston, VA: Music Educators National Conference, 1998.
Madsen, C. K., Smith, D. S. & Feeman, C. C. (1988). The use of music in cross-age tutoring within special education settings. Journal of Music Therapy, 25(3), 135-144.
Standley, J. M. & Prickett, C. A. (Eds.). Research in Music Therapy: A Tradition of Excellence. Outstanding Reprints from the Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 591-601). Silver Spring, MD: National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., 1994.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1989). The relationship of teacher “on-task” to intensity and effective music teaching. Canadian Music Educator, 30(2), 87-94.
Madsen, C. K. & Darrow, A. A. (1989). The relationship between music aptitude and sound conceptualization of the visually impaired. Journal of Music Therapy, 26(2), 71-78.
Madsen, C. K., Standley, J. M. & Cassidy, J. W. (1989). Demonstration and recognition of high and low contrasts in teacher intensity. Journal of Research in Music Education, 37(2), 85-92.
Price, H. E. (Ed.) Music Education Research: An Anthology from the Journal of Research in Music Education (pp. 263-272). Reston, VA: Music Educators National Conference, 1998.
Moore, M. Critical Essays in Music Education Ashgate Publishing Company. (in press).
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1989). Pitch and tone quality discrimination and preference: Evidence for a hierarchical model of musical elements. Canadian Music Educator, 30(2), 29-38.
Madsen, C. K. (1990). Teacher intensity in relationship to music education. Council for Research in Music Education, 104, 38-46.
Madsen, C. K. (1990). Mentoring. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Schools of Music, 78, 69-72.
Madsen, C. K. (1990). Measuring musical response. Music Educators Journal, 77(3), 26-28.
Standley, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1990). Comparison of infant preferences and responses to auditory stimuli: Music, mother and other female voice. Journal of Music Therapy, 27(2), 54- 97.
Standley, J. M. & Prickett, C. A. (Eds.). Research in Music Therapy: A Tradition of Excellence. Outstanding Reprints from the Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 680-713). Silver Spring, MD: National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., 1994.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1990). Differential patterns of music listening: Focus of attention of musicians versus nonmusicians. Council for Research in Music Education, 105, 45-57.
Madsen, C. K. (1990). La investigacion musical: Una aproximacion a metodos y resultados in Pedagogia Musical (pp. 75-80). Ana Lucia Frega, compiladora. Chile, SA: Marymar.
Madsen, C. K., Capperella-Sheldon, D. A. & Johnson, C. M. (1991). Use of the continuous response digital interface (CRDI) in evaluating music responses of special populations. Journal of the International Association of Music for the Handicapped, 6(2), 3-15.
Duke, R. A., Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1991). Performance of perceived beat in relation to age and music training. Journal of Research in Music Education, 39(1), 35-45.
Madsen, C. K., Standley, J. M. & Gregory, D. (1991). The effect of a vibrotactile device, SomatronÔ, on physiological and psychological responses: Musicians versus nonmusicians. Journal of Music Therapy, 28(1), 14-22.
Duke, R. A. & Madsen, C. K. (1991). Proactive versus reactive teaching: Focusing Observation on Specific Aspects of Instruction. Council for Research in Music Education, 108, 1-14.
Standley, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1991). An observation procedure to differentiate teaching experience and expertise in music education. Journal of Research in Music Education, 39(1), 5-11.
Price, H. E. (Ed.) Music Education Research: An Anthology from the Journal of Research in Music Education (pp. 392-398). Reston, VA: Music Educators National Conference, 1998.
Madsen, C. K. (1991). Die Bildung musikalischer Vorstellungen bei Behinderten. In Helmut Moog (Ed.) Musizieren mit Behinderten: Forschung, Didaktik, (pp. 9-20). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
Madsen, C. K. & Jellison, J. A. (1991). Forschung im Bereiche der Musik in der Sondererziehung. In Helmut Moog (Ed.) Musizieren mit Behinderten: Forschung, Didaktik, Transfer (pp. 73-88). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1991). Toward a hierarchy of musical elements: Two descriptive studies. Canadian Music Educator, 33, 27-35. Special ISME Research Edition.
Madsen, C. K., Geringer, J. M. & Heller, J. (1991). Comparison of good versus bad intonation of accompanied and unaccompanied vocal and string performances using a Continuous Response Digital Interface (CRDI). Canadian Music Educator, 33, 123-130. Special ISME Research Edition.
Madsen, C. K., Standley, J. M., Byo, J. & Cassidy, J. W. (1992). Relationship between student teachers’ self-analysis and experts’ analysis of teaching behaviors. Update, 10(2), 20-24.
Geringer, J. M., Duke, R.A. & Madsen, C. K. (1992). Musicians’ perception of beat note: Regions of beat change in modulating tempos. Council for Research in Music Education, 114, 21-33.
Madsen, C. K. (1993). Developing prospective music teachers. In Musik und Heilpädagogik: Festschrift für Helmut Moog zum 65. Geburtstag, Annette Langen/Walter Piel (Hrsg.) (pp. 209-220). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
Madsen, C. K., Brittin, R. V. & Capperella-Sheldon, D. A. (1993). An empirical method for measuring the aesthetic experience to music. Journal of Research in Music Education, 41(1), 57-69.
Price, H. E. (Ed.) Music Education Research: An Anthology from the Journal of Research in Music Education (pp. 263-272). Reston, VA: Music Educators National Conference, 1998.
Boletin De Investigacion Educativo-Musical (pp10-18) Abril De 2001, Ano 8, No. 22.
Madsen, C. K., Byrnes, S. R., Capperella-Sheldon, D. A. & Brittin, R. V. (1993). Aesthetic response to music: Musicians vs. nonmusicians. Journal of Music Therapy, 30(3), 174-191.
Madsen, C. K. & Fredrickson, W. E. (1993). The experience of musical tension: A replication of Nielsen’s research using the continuous response digital interface. Journal of Music Therapy, 30(1), 46-63.
Madsen, C. K. & Duke, R. A. (1993). Selection and development of prospective music teachers. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 3(1), 5-11.
Geringer, J. M., Madsen, C. K. & Duke, R. A. (1993/1994). Perception of beat note change in modulating tempos. Council for Research in Music Education, 119, 49-57.
Madsen, C. K., Geringer, J. M. & Heller, J. (1993/1994). Comparison of good versus bad tone quality of accompanied and unaccompanied vocal and string performances. Council for Research in Music Education, 119, 93-100.
Madsen, C. K. (1994). A research agenda from a personal perspective. General Music Today, 7(2), 13-18.
Madsen, C. K. (1994). Qualitative methodologies in music education: Reflections and predictions. Council for Research in Music Education, 122, 111-117.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (1995/1996). Focus of attention to elements: Listening patterns of musicians and nonmusicians. Council for Research in Music Education, 127, 80-87.
Madsen, C. K. (1996). Empirical investigation of the aesthetic response to music: Musicians and nonmusicians. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. Montreal, Canada, 103-110.
Madsen, C. K. & Gregory, D. (1997). Use of technology in understanding ‘aesthetic response’ in music,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Research Alliance for Institutes of Music Education. Tallahassee, Fl.
Madsen, C. K. (1997). Focus of attention and aesthetic response to music. Journal of Research in Music Education, 45, 80-89.
Madsen, C. K. (1997). Teaching and learning in the music classroom. Trans. D. P. de Gratzer. Boletin De Investigation Educativo-Musical. Ano 4, 3-9.
Madsen, C. K., Geringer, J. M., & Fredrickson, W. E. (1997). Focus of attention to musical elements in Haydn’s Symphony #104. Council for Research in Music Education, 133, 57-63.
Madsen, C. K. (1997). Emotional response to music. Psychomusicology,16, 59-67.
Madsen, C. K. (1997). Emotional response to music as measured by the two-dimensional CRDI. Journal of Music Therapy, 34, 187-199.
Madsen, C. K. (1998). Analisis de investigation: La habilidad para transfer, Eufonia: La invertigacion en musica, 10, 23-34.
Madsen, C. K., (1998). Emotion versus tension in Haydn’s Symphony #104 as measured by the two-dimensional Continuous Response Digital Interface. Journal of Research in Music Education,46, 546-554.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K., (1998). Musicians’ ratings of good versus bad vocal and string performances. Journal of Research in Music Education, 46, 522-534.
Madsen, C. K., & Kaiser, K.A. (1999). Pre-internship fears of student teachers, Update,17 (2) 27-32.
Madsen, C. K., & Duke, R. A. (1999). First remember response to music. General Music Today, 13, (1) 19-22.
Madsen C. K. & Kaiser, K. A. (1999). Pre-internship fears of music therapists, Journal of Music Therapy,36, 17-25.
Madsen, C. K. (1999). Research in Music Behavior. Special Issue: Musings: Essays in honor of Bennett Reimer, Journal of Aesthetic Education,33, 77-92.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (1999). Comparison of good versus bad tone quality/intonation of vocal and string performances: Issues concerning measurement and reliability of the Continuous Response Digital Interface, Council for Research in Music Education,141, 86-92.
Madsen, C. K. (2000). A personal perspective for research. Music Educators Journal, 86, May, 41-44.
Fonder, M. (Ed.) The Grandmaster Series: Collected Thoughts of leaders in Twentieth Century Music Education (pp. 29-33). Reston, VA: Music Educators National Conference, 2003.
Madsen, C. K. (2000). Music education: A future I would welcome. College Music Symposium, 40, 84-90.
Madsen, C. K. (2000). Discrimination and Interference of Melodic Stimuli: Musically Trained and Untrained Adults versus children.” Sixth International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, CD, Ed., Woods, C., Keele, UK, August, 10 pp.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (2000/2001). Meaningful listening and focus of attention: A model. Council of Research in Music Education, 147, 103-108.
Madsen, C. K. & Coggiola, J. C. (2001). The effect of manipulating a CRDI dial of the focus of attention of musicians/nonmusisians and perceived aesthetic response. Council of Research in Music Education, 149, 13-22.
Geringer, J. M., Madsen, C. K. & Dunnigan, P. (2001). Tone quality versus intonation: Two extensions. Council of Research in Music Education, 148, 65-76.
Madsen, C. K. (2001). A behavioral approach to music therapy. Cuadernos Interamericanos de Investigacion en Educacion Musical, 1, (2) 15-23.
Madsen, C. K. & Hancock, C. B. (2002). Support for music education: A case study of issues concerning teacher retention and attrition. Journal of Research in Music Education, 50, 6-19.
Arts Education Policy Review,104, No. 1 September/October, 2002, 19-24.
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, K. (2002). Perception and cognition in music: Musically trained and untrained adults compared to sixth-grade and eight-grade children. Journal of Research in Music Education, 50, 111-130.
Madsen, C. K. (2002). Future foundations of music education: Vision 2020. Bulletin De Investigacion Educativo-Musical, Centro de Investigacion in Education Musical, 9 (25), 3-15
Madsen, C. K. & Goins, W. E. (2002). Internal versus external locus of control: Differences among music populations. Journal of Music Therapy, 39 265-273.
Madsen, C. K., Kelly S. N. (2002). First remembrances of wanting to become a music teacher. Journal of Research in Music Education, 50, 323-332.
Kenneth H. Phillips, (ed) “Exploring Research in Music Education and Music Therapy.” Oxford University Press, 2007, 285-294.
Madsen, C. K. (2002). Music acoustics: Measurement of music responses. Proceeding of the International Symposium of Musical Acoustics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
Madsen, C. K. (2002). Advocacy statement: A rational for music education. Journal of the International Society for Music Education. 1 150-151.
Madsen, C. K., Frega, A. L. & de Oliveira, A. (2002). Melodic perception of adolescent students in Argentina, Brazil and the United States. Council of Research in Music Education, 153/4, 42-47
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (2003). Gradual tempo change and aesthetic response of music majors. International Journal of Music Education, 40, 3-15.
Madsen, C. K. (2003). Instruction and supervision of graduate students in music education. Research Studies in Music Education, 21, 72-79.
Madsen, C. K. (2003). The magic of motivation: Implications from the research literature. American Music Teacher, 53, 22-27.
Madsen, C. K. (2003). Motivation: Putting it all together. American Music Teacher, 53, 50-53.
Madsen, C. K. & Southall, J. K., (2004). The Continuous Response Digital Interface: Applications Pertaining to the Ongoing Measurement of Aesthetic Response to Music. Research Alliance of Institutes for Music Education, 7, 27-35.
Madsen, C. K., (2004). A Thirty-year Follow-up Study of Actual Music Practice versus Estimated Practice. Journal of Research in Music Education, 52, 15-26.
Geringer, J. M., Madsen, C. K., & Gregory, D. (2004). A fifteen-year history of the Continuous Response Digital Interface: Issues relating to validity and reliability. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education160, 1-15.
Madsen, C K., & Geringer, J. M. (2004). Gradual pitch change and aesthetic response of music majors. Bulletin of the Council of Research in Music Education 161/162 135-143.
Boletin De Investigacion Educativo-Musical, 13, #37, 30-36, 2006.
Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, C. K. (2005). Music Majors’ Perception of Flugelhorn and Bb, C, Eb, and Piccolo Trumpets. Bulletin of the Council of Research in Music Education, 166, 7-15.
Madsen, C. K. & Napoles J. (2006). A 30-year follow-up of perceptions of students’ ratings of former instructors. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 24, 2 45-53.
Madsen, C. K., & Napoles J. (2006). Measuring the aesthetic response to music: Revising “new” and “old” measurement system. Research Alliance of Institutes in Music Education, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium. 83-92.
Geringer, J. M., Madsen, C. K., MacLoed, R. B. & Droe, K. (2006). The effect of articulation style on perception of modulated tempo, Journal of Research in Music Education, 54, 324-336.
Madsen, C. K., Geringer, J. M. & Wagner, M. J. (2007). Context specificity in music perception of musicians, Psychology of Music 35, 441-451.
Madsen, C. K., Plack, D. Dunnigan, P. (2007). The marching band as a recruiter for the university. Journal of Band Research 43, (1), 54-62.
Madsen, C. K., (2007). Cliff Colnot: Master conductor/teacher. Florida Music Director, 60, 14-18.
Geringer, J. M., Madsen, C. K., MacLoed, R. B. (2007). Effects of articulation styles on perception of modulated tempos in violin excerpts, International Journal of Research in Music Education, 25 (2), 165-176.
Napoles, J. & Madsen, C. K., (2008). Measurement of students’ emotional response to music. International Journal of Research in Music Education, 26 (1), 61-70.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (2008). Reflections on Puccini’s La Bohème: Investigating a model for listening. Journal of Research in Music Education, 56, 33-42.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (2008). Musicians’ perceptions of conductors within context. Research Alliance of Institutions for Music Education: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium, 101-110.
Madsen, C. K., Geringer, J. M. & Madsen, K. (2009). Adolescent musicians’ perception of conductors within musical context. Journal of Research in Music Education, 57, 16-25.
Madsen, C. K., Madsen, C. H. Jr. & Madsen, R. A. (2009). Development and validation of a concise emotional inventory. Journal of Music Therapy, 46, 2-14.
Price, H. Madsen, C. K., Cornacchio R. & Webb, M. (2010) Examination of the international scope of papers presented at the International Society for Music Education Research Commission Seminars, 1988-2006. Journal of Research in Music Education, 58. 90-96.
Madsen, C.K. College students as cross-age tutors within an after-school program (2010). Journal of Music Teacher Education, 29 (1) 33-39.
Peterson, C. & Madsen, C. K. (2010). Encouraging cognitive connections and creativity in the music classroom. Music Educators Journal, 97 (2), 23-29.
Madsen, C. K. & Geringer, J. M. (2010). Kindergarten through 12th grade student responses to 20th century music: Investigating a model for meaningful listening. Research Alliance of Institutions for Music Education: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium, 177-186.
Fredrickson, W. E. & Madsen, C. K. Emotional differences between early and late degree program music teacher education students using a concise emotional inventory (2010). Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 29 (1), 33-39.
Madsen, C. K. The value of professional organizations. (2010) Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 29 (1), 3-6.
Madsen C.K. From Research to the General Classroom. (2011). Music Educators Journal. 98 (2) 78-82.
Madsen, C. K. Research Issues in Personal Music Identification (2012) McPherson, & Welch, G. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Oxford University Press. 657-660.
Madsen, C. K. Nonverbal measurement of responsiveness to music. (in press) Advances in Social-Psychology and Music Education Research SEMPRE Studies in the Psychology of Music.
Johnson, C. M., Madsen, C. K., & Geringer, J. M. (2012).Effect of instruction in
appropriate rubato usage on performances of Mozart and Bach:Replication and extension. International Journal of Music Education, 30, 185-194.
Johnson, C. M., Madsen, C. K., & Geringer, J. M. (2012). A study of music students’ tempo changes of a soloist’s performance of Mozart’s 1st Horn Concerto. Journal of Research in Music Education, 60, 217-231.
Madsen, C. K., & Geringer, J. M. (2014). History and Development of Research using the CRDI Bulletin De Investigacion Educativo-Musical, Centro de Investigacion in Education Musica.
Madsen, C.K, Johnson, C.M., Geringer, J.M., Southall, J., & Brunkan, M.C. (2013). Effect of distractors purposefully placed in La Bohème:Replication and extension Proceedings of the 24th International Seminar on Research in Music Education. Thessaloniki, Greece. pp 139-146.
Madsen, C. K. (2015).Research Productivity in music: A personal perspective. Journal of Biomusical Engineering, 3:1. pp 111-114.
Madsen, C.K. & Geringer, J. M. (2015). Responses of multi-aged music students to mid-20th century art music: A replication and extension. Journal of Research in Music Education, 63 (3) 336-348.
Geringer, J. M., MacLeod, R. B., Madsen, C. K., & Napoles, J. (2015). Perception of melodic intonation in performances with and without vibrato. Psychology of Music.
Madsen, C. K., & Geringer, J. M. (2015). The relationship between teacher preparation and long-term teaching effectiveness. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Seminar on Research in Music Education, 229-241.
Madsen, C. K. & Fredrickson, W. F. (2015). Relating aspects of pre-service preparation to subsequent teacher effectiveness. 25th International Society for Music Education, Proceedings of the Research Seminar, Sao Joao, Brazil.
Madsen, C.K. & Bridges, C. M., (2016). “Competition for focus of attention: Attempts to Multi-task.” G. Boal-Palheiros (Ed.), International Perspectives on Research in Music Education, (Proceedings of the 26th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Research. London: International Music Education Research Centre (iMerc) Press. pp. 201-212.
Madsen, C. K. (2016 Revision). Research issues in personal music identification. Handbook for Research in Music Education. Eds. Gary McPherson & Graham Welch, Oxford University Press.
Madsen, C. K., (2017). Differentiating Modes of Inquiry. Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences, JP Junper Publishers, 9(5) pp. 556-560.
Madsen, C.K., Rossin, Emily G., Clark, Robert. H. & Johnson, Christopher, M. (2018). Developiong desired non-verbal responses in pre-service music eductors and music therapists and the effect of instruction on that development. Proceedings of the 27th International Pre-Conference Seminar of the ISME Commisionon on Research in Music Education, Ed. Evelyn K. Orman. Dubai-United Arab Emirates. pp.89-96.
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1975). Values vs. techniques. (16mm color; 30 min.; Films by Spectrum, Amdecker Creative Services, Des Moines, IA).
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1975). Approval vs. disapproval. (16mm color; 30 min.; Films by Spectrum, Amdecker Creative Services, Des Moines, IA)
Madsen, C. H., Jr. & Madsen, C. K. (1975). Desire vs. behavior. (16mm color; 30 min.: Films by Spectrum, Amdecker Creative Services, Des Moines, IA)
Madsen, C. H., Jr. & Madsen, C. K. (1975). Consequences of behavior. (16mm color; 30 min.; Films by Spectrum, Amdecker Creative Services, Des Moines, IA)
Madsen, C. H., Jr. & Madsen, C. K. (1975). Recording classroom behavior:
Student behavior
Teaching behavior
Teacher-student interaction
(16mm color; 2 hr. 30 min.; Films by Spectrum, Amdecker Creative Services, Des Moines, IA).
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (1975). Choice of reinforcers. (16mm color; 55 min.; Films by Spectrum, Amdecker Creative Services, Des Moines, IA)
Madsen, C. K. Personal Interview about Professional Responsibilities. (2011). Music Therapy Matters, Volume 1.4
Madsen, C. K. Review: Cobes, C. J. (1972). The conditioning of a pitch response using uncertain singers. Council for Research in Music Education, 30, 28-29.
Madsen, C. K. Review: Cotter, V. W. (1972). Effects of music on mentally retarded girls’ performance of manual tasks. Council for Research in Music Education, 27, 42-43.
Wagner, M. Introductory Musical Acoustics, 1st Edition, 1977, 2nd Edition, 1978, 3rd Edition, 1994. Contemporary Publishing Company of Raleigh, NC.
Bruscia, K. E. & Maranto, C. D. 1988. Methods of Teaching and Training the Music Therapist. Temple University, Esther Boyer College of Music. PA
Kantorski, V. J. A Bibliography of Source Readings in Music Education, 1997. Harmonie Park Press, Warren, MI
Solomon, A. L., Davis W. B., & Heller, G. N. Historical Research in Music Therapy, 3rd Edition, 2002. The American Music therapy Association, Silver Spring, MD.
Peterson, C. W., “Resonance: The Art of the Choral Music Educator” Pavane Publishing, 2019.
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. Experimental research in music. Prentice-Hall, 1970; 2nd Edition, Contemporary Publishing, Inc., 1978. Spanish translation by Ana Lucia Frega, Marymar, Buenos Aires, 1988. 3rd Edition, Contemporary Publishing Company Inc., 1997. 116 pp. Japanese translation, 3rd Edition, Fumio Kuribayashi, Ichibaku Shuppansha Publishing Co., Ltd., 2006. Portuguese translation. Experimental Research in Music and its related Experimental Research in Music: Workbook in Experimental Design. This endeavor combines both books into one book, Pesquisa Experimental em Musica, Tran. Jamary Oliveira, Sonare, 2017.
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H. Jr. Teaching/discipline: Behavioral principles toward a positive approach. Allyn & Bacon, Inc., 1970, 2nd Edition, 1974; 3rd Edition, 1983; Contemporary Publishing Company, Inc., 4th Edition, 1998, 344 pp. 5th Edition, 2016, 423 pp. Spanish translation by Dina Glatzer, Marymar, Buenos Aires, 2000.
Madsen, C. H., Jr. & Madsen, C. K. Teaching/discipline: A positive approach for educational development (Expanded second edition for professionals). Allyn & Bacon, 1974. 421 pp.
Madsen, C. K. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. Parents/children/discipline: A positive approach. Allyn & Bacon, Inc., 1972; Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1975. 213 pp.
Madsen, C. K. & Moore, R. S. Experimental research in music: Workbook in design and statistical tests. Contemporary Publishing Company Inc., 1974; 2nd Edition, 1978. 172 pp. Spanish translation by Orlando Musumeci, Republic of Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1995.
Madsen, C. K., Greer, R. D. & Madsen, C. H., Jr. (Eds.). Research in music behavior. Teachers College Press, New York, 1975. 277 pp.
Madsen, C. H., Jr., Madsen, C. K. & Oliveira, J. B. A. Engenharia comportamental, Companhia Editora Americana, Rio de Janeiro, 1975. 118 pp.
Madsen, C. K. & Kuhn, T. L. Contemporary music education. Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1978, 2nd Edition, Contemporary Publishing Company Inc, 1994; 186 pp.
Madsen, C. K. & Yarbrough, C. Competency-based music education. Prentice-Hall, 1980; Contemporary Publishing Company, Inc., 1985. 177 pp.
Madsen, C. K. Music therapy: A behavioral guide for working with the mentally retarded. National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., 1981. 150 pp.
Madsen, C. K. & Prickett, C. A. (Eds.). Applications of research in music behavior, University of Alabama Press, 1987. 370 pp.
Madsen, C. K., (Ed.) Vision 2020: The Housewright Symposium on Music Education, Music Educators National Conference, Reston, VA, 2000. 229 pp.
Madsen, C. K. Time. (manuscript, 1972 revised, 2008)
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 1990-2009
International Journal of Arts Medicine, 1991-2002
International Journal of Music Education, Guest Editor, 30, 1998;
International Journal of Research in Music Education, 2010-2016
Journal of Band Research, 1982-1996
Journal of Music Therapy, 1974-2000
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Consulting Reader, Volume, 85, 1997
Psychological Reports, Consulting Reader, Volume, 81, 1997
Psychology of Music, 1989-1997
Research Studies in Music Education, Guest Reviewer 2011
The Quarterly: Teaching and Learning in Music, 1991-1997
Music Education Research Council, MENC, 2008-2014 (Chair, 1982-84)
National Association for Music Education, Society for Research in Music Education (2010)
National Research Committee, NAMT-AMTA, (Chair, 1978-2013)
- “Tactile Effects of Sound,” NAMT Regional Conference, Milledgeville, GA, 1962.
- “Marching Band Attitudes–National Survey,” CBDNA, 1964. Presented by Manley R. Whitcomb, President, 1965.
- “Research in Music Therapy,” NAMT Regional Conference, Milledgeville, GA, 1965.
- “Music in Behavior Modification,” NAMT National Convention, Cleveland, OH, 1966.
- “Performance Practices: Intonation Research,” MENC National Convention, Kansas City, KS, 1966.
- “Philosophies in Conflict,” MENC Regional Convention, Atlanta, GA, 1967.
- “Research in Vocal Intonation,” MTNA National Convention, St. Louis, MO, 1967.
- “Behavior Modification in Music Therapy,” NAMT Regional Convention, Murfreesboro, TN, 1967.
- “Auditory Perception of Sharpness and Flatness,” Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada, 1968.
- “The Use of Music Stimuli in Teaching Language Discrimination,” NAMT National Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 1968.
- “The Effect of Reinforcement and Directional Scalar Methodology on Intonational Improvement,” MENC Regional Convention, Atlanta, GA, 1969.
- “The Effect of Reinforcement on Musical Performance,” NAMT Regional Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1969.
- “Reinforcement Techniques in Music,” NAMT National Conference, Lawrence, KS, 1969.
- “Use of Music as a Contingent Reinforcer,” NAMT Regional Conference, Athens, GA, 1970.
- “Research in Music Learning,” Music Educators Association Annual Convention, Columbia, SC, 1970.
- “Research Design in Music,” MENC National Convention, Chicago, IL, 1970.
- “Effects of Reinforcement Techniques on Musical Behavior,” National Symposium on Research in Musical Behavior, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1970.
- “Music Education as Behavior Modification,” Music for Exceptional Children Symposium, Tallahassee, FL, 1970.
- “Behavior Modification in Juvenile Delinquency,” National Association of Juvenile Court Judges, Atlanta, GA, 1970.
- “Music Therapy and Behavior Modification,” Music School Settlement, Cleveland, OH, 1970.
- “Research in Teacher Education,” Behavioral Analysis in Education, Lawrence, KS, 1970.
- “Effects of Integrated Schools on Musical Performance,” MENC Regional Convention, Daytona, FL, 1971.
- “Effects of Integration on Intonation,” Research Panel, NAMT National Conference, San Francisco, 1971.
- “Research in Music Education,” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1972.
- “Sharpness and Flatness in Performance,” MENC National Convention, Atlanta, GA, 1972.
- “Research Techniques in Behavior Modification,” NAMT Regional Conference, Tallahassee, FL, 1972.
- “Research in Music Behavior,” NAMT National Conference, Lansing, MI, 1972.
- “Problems in Research Design,” MENC National Convention, Norfolk, VA, 1973.
- “Research in Music,” NAMT National Conference, Athens, GA, 1973.
- “Music and Behavior Modification,” Symposium, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, 1974.
- “Research in Music,” Contemporary Trends in Music Education, Howard University, Washington, DC, 1974.
- “National Symposium, Curriculum Development in Music Education,” Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 1974.
- Psychology Fall Colloquium, “Research in Music,” Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, 1974.
- 1st National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, NAMT National Convention, Philadelphia, PA, 1974.
- International Symposium in Behavior Modification, University of North Wales, Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom, 1973.
- Music Research in Behavior Modification, Workshop, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC, 1975.
- “Music Research in Behavior Modification: Advanced Seminar in Research Design,” MENC Regional Convention, New Orleans, LA, 1975.
- National Symposium, Curriculum Development in Music Education, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 1975.
- “Research in Music Therapy,” NAMT Regional Conference, Miami, FL, 1975.
- National Symposium: Music for the Very Young, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1975.
- “Research in Music Behavior,” Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY, 1976.
- “Modifying Music Behavior in the Classroom,” 10th Anniversary Presentation, Music School Settlement, Cleveland, OH, 1976.
- “Research in Music Behavior,” School of Music, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 1976.
- “Preference for Trumpet Tone Quality versus Intonation,” MENC National Convention, Atlantic City, NJ, 1976.
- “Research in Music Therapy,” NAMT National Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 1976.
- “Music Lessons Versus Free Play,” 2nd National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Milwaukee, WI, 1976.
- “Measurement of the Affective Domain,” MENC Regional Convention, Atlanta, GA, 1977.
- “Behavior Modification in Music,” Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1977.
- “Music Research,” National Council of Social Service Standing Conference for Amateur Music, London, England, 1977.
- “Psychology of Music Survey,” NAMT National Conference, Anaheim, CA, 1977.
- “The Relationship between Music Education and Music Therapy,” Baruch College, City University of New York, New York, NY, 1978.
- “Therapy Based Music Education,” Loyola Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 1978.
- “Modulated Beat Discrimination among Musicians versus Non-Musicians,” MENC National Convention, Chicago, IL, 1978.
- “The Music Educator’s Role in Shaping Cultural Values,” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1978.
- “Behavior Modification in Music,” Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 1978.
- “The Effect of Music as Reinforcement,” International Society for Music Education, Bloomington, IN, 1978.
- “Research in Music Therapy,” San Diego State University, SanDiego, CA, 1978.
- “Reinforcement Alternatives in Music,” 3rd National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Atlanta, GA, 1978.
- “Effect of Music on Bodily Movement,” NAMT National Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1978.
- “Reinforcement Alternatives for Learning Music,” MENC Regional Convention, Nashville, TN, 1979.
- “Music Reinforcement for Special Learners,” Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, TX, 1979.
- “Research in Music Perception,” North Texas State University, Denton, TX, 1979.
- “Shaping Research Skills in Applied Music Study,” University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 1979.
- “Research Training in Music Therapy,” University of Ohio, Athens, OH, 1979.
- “Guest Lecture Series,” Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 1979.
- “Research in Intonation Discrimination,” Columbia University, New York, NY, 1979.
- “The Effect of a Distraction Index on Performance,” NAMT National Conference, Dallas, TX, 1979.
- “Research in Applied Music,” University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 1979.
- “Perception Research in Intonation,” Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 1979.
- “Subject Matter as Reinforcement for Academic Skills,” 4th National Symposium, Research in Music Behavior, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1980.
- “Research in Music,” Ohio Music Educators Association, Cleveland, OH, 1980.
- “Comparison of Graduate versus Undergraduate Research,” NAMT National Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 1980.
- “Discrimination between Tone Quality and Intonation,” MENC National Convention, Miami, FL, 1980.
- “The Effect of a Distraction Index in Music,” International Society for Music Education, Dresden, Germany, 1980.
- “Research in Applied Music,” Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, 1981.
- “Research in Music Therapy,” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1981.
- “Research in Music,” Shepherds College, Shepherdstown, WV, 1981.
- “Competency Based Education,” Council for Exceptional Children, Bowling Green University, OH, 1981.
- “The Effect on Tuning in an Attempt to Compensate for Pitch/Quality Errors in Flute/Oboe Duets,” MENC National Convention, Minneapolis, MN, 1981.
- “Research in Music Education,” Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 1981.
- “Research Training Institute,” NAMT BEH Training Grant, Denton, TX, 1981.
- “Behavioral Training in Music Therapy: Perception vs. Fact,” NAMT National Conference, Denver, CO, 1981.
- “Perception of Approval/Disapproval in Music Education,” MENC National Convention, San Antonio, TX, 1982.
- “Music as an Art and Science in the Life of Man,” National Symposium for Music Therapy, New York University, New York, NY, 1982.
- “The Effect of Contingent Teacher Approval and Withholding Music Performance on Improving Attentiveness,” International Society for Music Education, London, England, 1982.
- “Vance W. Cotter Memorial Address,” Applied Behavior Analysis in Education, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1982.
- “Music, Teaching, Discipline,” Third Annual Music Education Symposium, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 1982.
- “The Influence of Paired Identical and Dissimilar Background Music on Visual Perception and Movement,” 5th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Wakulla Springs, FL, 1982.
- “Ideas versus Behaviors,” NAMT National Conference, Baltimore, MD, 1982.
- “The Arts, Society, and Educational Research,” National Symposium, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1982.
- “Research Issues in Music Therapy,” Utah State University, Logan, UT, 1982.
- “Effects of Competing Musical Versus Nonmusical Tasks,” MENC Regional Convention, Louisville, KY, 1983.
- “The Effect of a Transfer Task on Professional Responsibilities,” NAMT National Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1983.
- “Research in Music Education,” Ontario Music Education Association, London, Ontario, Canada, 1983.
- “The Effect of Research Acquisition on Attitudes of Graduate Musicians,” MENC National Convention, Chicago, IL, 1984.
- “Perception of Approval/Disapproval in Music Education,” International Society for Music Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, 1984.
- “Behavioral Research in Music Education,” Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1984.
- “Research Relating to Applied Music,” Ohio University, Athens, OH, 1984.
- “The Effect of Behavioral Intervention within Music Ensembles,” Ontario Music Education Association, Ontario, Canada, 1984.
- “Background Music: Competition for Focus of Attention,” NAMT National Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 1984.
- “Developing a Research Agenda,” NASM National Convention, Washington, DC, 1984.
- “Research Implications for Music Education,” University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1985.
- “Research in Applied Music,” Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 1985.
- “The Effect of Systematic Training in Specifying Research Variables in Applied Music,” 6th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Fort Worth, TX, 1985.
- “Research Responsibilities for the Music Therapist,” Keynote Address, Southeastern Conference, NAMT Convention, Clearwater, FL, 1985.
- “Effects of Differential Music on Student Attentiveness,” Canadian School Consultants Association, Ontario, Canada, 1985.
- “Research in Music Behavior for the Handicapped,” MEH Fourth International Symposium, New York, NY, 1985.
- “The Effect of Pitch and Tempo Alterations on Perceived Loudness,” Institute for Research, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1985.
- “The Effect of Differential Training on the Ability to Specify Behavioral Principles,” NCATA National Conference, New York, NY, 1985.
- “Ambiguity in Beat Perception: The Effect of Speed Alterations on High School Musicians’ Tempo Note Selections,” MENC National Convention, Anaheim, CA, 1986.
- “The Teaching Learning Process in Music,” Delta State University, Cleveland, MS, 1986.
- “Research on Doctoral Programs in Music Education,” University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1986.
- “Effects of Speed Alterations on Tempo Preferences,” MENC National Convention, Anaheim, CA, 1986.
- “Behavioral Research in Music Education,” West Virginia Music Educators Conference, Morgantown, WV, 1986.
- “Effect of Research Training on Recognizing Need for Giving Approval,” International Society for Music Education, Frankfurt, Germany, 1986.
- “Research Symposium,” Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1986.
- “Research in Applied Music,” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1986.
- “Effect of Research Training on the Ability to Analyze and Generalize,” NAMT National Conference, Chicago, IL, 1986.
- “Work/Study Research in Music,” Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, NC, 1986.
- “University Research Lecturer,” Baylor University, Waco, TX, 1987.
- “Positive Effects of Cross-age Tutoring Using Music,” 7th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Logan, UT, 1987.
- “Research in Music with the Exceptional Child,” Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1987.
- “New Perspectives in Classroom Management,” Chicago Musical College, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL, 1987.
- “Cross-age Tutoring in Music,” SEC-NAMT Conference, Charleston, SC, 1987.
- “Research in Applied Music,” Visiting Research Scholar, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 1987.
- “Pitch Discrimination for Melodic Intervals,” MENC Regional Convention, Orlando, FL, 1987.
- “The Effect of a Vibrotactile Device ‘Somatron’, on Affective Responses,” NAMT National Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1987.
- “Research in Music,” Visiting Research Professor, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, 1987.
- “Research Applied to Teaching,” Texas Music Educators Association, San Antonio, TX, 1988.
- “The Effect of Intensity in Effective Teaching,” MENC National Convention, Indianapolis, IN, 1988.
- “A Comparison of Vibrotactile Responses,” NAMT National Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1988.
- “The Relationship of Teacher On-Task to Intensity and Effective Music Teaching,” International Society for Music Education, Melbourne, Australia, 1988.
- “Research Perspectives in Classroom Music,” Butler University, Indianapolis, IN, 1989.
- “Teacher Intensity in General Music,” Keynote Address, National Symposium for General Music, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1989.
- “Research Techniques for the Instrumental Musician.” American School Band Directors Association, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 1989.
- “Relationship between Students Self-analysis and Experts in Music Education,” MENC Regional Convention, Nashville, TN, 1989.
- “An Observational Procedure to Differentiate Expert Teachers,” 8th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Baton Rouge, LA, 1989.
- “Research in Special Music Education, German Society for Special Music Education,” Cologne, Germany, 1989.
- “Mentoring Within Schools of Music,” NASM National Convention, Seattle, WA, 1989.
- “Experimental Research in Music,” Argentinean Society for Music Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1990.
- “Use of the Continuous Response Digital Interface with the Handicapped,” NAMT National Conference, Kansas City, MO, 1990.
- “Innovations in Applied Music Assessment,” Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 1990.
- “Empirical Investigation of the Aesthetic Response to Music,” MENC National Convention, Washington, DC, 1990.
- “Research Applied to Music Therapy,” University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA, 1990.
- “Psychology of Music Symposium,” University of West Virginia, Morgantown, WV, 1990.
- “Research Needs in Music Education,” North Carolina Music Educators Association, Winston-Salem, NC, 1990.
- “Research in Choral Music,” San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 1990.
- “Research Comparing Good versus Bad Intonation,” International Society for Music Education, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990.
- “Analysis of Effective Teaching,” NAMT National Conference, Washington, DC, 1990.
- “Research in Music Therapy,” Visiting Research Scholar, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, 1991.
- “Research in Music Therapy,” Great Lakes Regional Convention, St. Paul, MN, 1991.
- “Research within Schools of Music,” Visiting Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 1991.
- “Investigation of the Aesthetic Experience in Music,” 9th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Cannon Beach, OR, 1991.
- “Comparison of Good versus Bad Tone Quality of Vocal and String Performances,” International Society for Music Education, Seoul, Korea; Nagoya, Japan, 1992.
- “The Experience of Music Tension in Aesthetic Awareness,” MENC National Convention, New Orleans, LA, 1992.
- “Research in Music Education,” Visiting Sims Scholar, Longwood College, Farmville, VA, 1992.
- “Affective Response to Music,” NAMT National Conference, St. Louis, MO, 1992.
- “Developing a Research Agenda in General Music,” National Symposium for General Music, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1993.
- “Implications of Research to Music Teaching,” Arizona Music Educators Association, Phoenix, AZ, 1993.
- “Selection and Development of Prospective Music Teachers,” MENC Regional Convention, Savannah, GA, 1993.
- “The Effect of Audio, Visual, and Paired Audio-Visual Stimuli on Musicians’ and Non-Musicians’ Experience of Stress,” NAMT National Conference, Toronto, Canada, 1993.
- “Visual and Aural Aspects of Listening to Music, NAMT National Conference, Toronto, Canada, 1993.
- “Aesthetic Response to Music: Musicians versus Nonmusicians,” 10th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1993.
- “Implications of Research to Music Teaching,” Visiting Professor, Collegium Musicum de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993.
- “Comparison of Good versus Bad Tone Quality/Intonation of Vocal and String Performances,” MENC National Convention, Cincinnati, OH, 1994.
- “Research in Music Education and Music Therapy,” Visiting Professor, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 1994.
- “Qualitative Research in Music Education,” Respondent, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1994.
- “Quantitative/Qualitative Research in Music Education,” Brazilian Association for Music Education, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1994.
- “Focus of Attention to Musical Elements,” International Society for Music Education, Miami, FL, 1994.
- “Focus of Attention and Affective Response,” NAMT National Conference, Orlando, FL, 1994.
- “First Remembrances of Music,” MENC Southern Division Convention, Winston-Salem, NC, 1994.
- “Research in Student/Teacher Interaction,” Visiting Professor, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, 1994.
- “Teaching Music: Implications from Research,” Guest Lecturer, Aichi University of Education, Kariya City, Japan, 1995.
- “Research in Music,” Ohio Music Educators Association, Columbus, OH, 1995.
- “Research in Music Education,” Visiting Lecturer, University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1995.
- “Research on Affective Aspects of Music,” 11th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Granville, OH, 1995.
- “Practical Applications of Research in Music,” Centro De Investigation En Educacion Musical, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995.
- “Research on Ongoing Responses to Music,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
- “Use of Technology in Understanding ‘Aesthetic Response’ in Music,” Third International Symposium, Research Alliance for Institutes of Music Education, Tallahassee, FL, 1995.
- “Research in Music Education,” COMTEMP, Kansas Music Teachers in Higher Education, Hesston, KS, 1995.
- “Aesthetic Response of Selected Piano Works of Satie and Chopin,” NAMT National Conference, Houston, TX, 1995.
- “Managing the Music Environment,” Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, 1995.
- “Adult Musician’s Abilities to Specify Measurable Behavior,” MENC National Convention, Kansas City, MO, 1996.
- “Research in Music Behavior,” MERC Invited Research Address: MENC National Convention, Kansas City, MO, 1996.
- “Focus of Attention to Selective Musical Elements,” International Society for Music Education, Frescatti, Italy, 1996.
- “Empirical Investigation of the Aesthetic Response to Music: Musicians and Nonmusicians,” Keynote Address: 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1996.
- “Managing Time in the Music Environment,” Distinguished Scholar, Baylor University, Waco, TX, 1996.
- “Emotional Response to Music as Measured by the Two-dimensional Continuous Response Digital Interface. NAMT National Conference, Nashville, TN, 1996.
- “Applications of Research to Music Study,” Alabama College Association, Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL, 1996.
- “Research Analysis: The Ability to Transfer.” Southern Division, Music Educators National Conference, Nashville, TN, 1996.
- “Emotional Responses to Music,” 12th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1997.
- “Research in Music Behavior,” Symposium on the Retirement of Bennett Reimer, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, 1997.
- “Effectiveness of Music Therapy: Focus on Assessment and Documentation,” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1997.
- “Research on the Aesthetic Experience,” President’s Visiting Scholar, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 1997.
- “Emotional Response to Music: A Cross-cultural Comparison,” NAMT National Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 1997.
- “Classroom Techniques for Today’s Teachers,” Visiting Lecture, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 1997.
- “Research in Music Education.” Texas Music Education Association, San Antonio, TX, 1998.
- “Perceived Fear in Relationship to Effective Student Teaching: Instrumentalists versus Vocalists”, CBDNA Regional Convention, Jacksonville, FL, 1998.
- “Emotion versus Tension in Haydn’s Symphony # 104 as Measured by the Two-dimensional Continuous Response Digital Interface,” MENC National Convention, Phoenix, AZ, 1998.
- “Emotional Response to Music,” Research in Music Learning and Performance: Beyond Talent and Practice, International Conference, Center for Music Research, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 1998.
- “Comparison of Good Versus Bad Tone Quality/Intonation of Vocal and String Performances: Issues Concerning Measurement and Reliability of the Continuous Response Digital Interface,” With J. M. Geringer, International Society for Music Education, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1998.
- “The Art of Wind Band Teaching: Research in Instrumental Music” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1998.
- “Research in Music.” International Society for Music Education, Cueta, Spain, 1998.
- “Teacher Intensity in Music Education.” American Orff-Schulwerk Association, National Conference, Tampa, FL, 1998.
- “Pre-internship Fears of Music Therapists.” AMTA National Conference, Cleveland, OH, 1998.
- “Transitions in Higher Education.” Endowed Chair-holder in Music Education, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1998.
- “Musicians’ Ratings of Good versus Bad Vocal and String Performances.” Southern Division, MENC, Tampa, FL, 1999.
- “Pre-intern Fears in Music Education/Music Therapy.” 13th National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Montreal, Canada, 1999.
- “Research in Music Therapy.” Artist in Residence, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA, 1999.
- “The Balanced Life: What the Conductor Does is What the Ensemble Gets” Research presented at the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles, San Luis Obispo, CA, 1999.
- “Research in Music Therapy.” University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999.
- “The Effect of Training on the Ability to Analyze and Generalize: A Replication.” American Music Therapy Association, Washington, DC, 1999.
- “Five International Models of Music Therapy: A Behavioral Approach” World Congress of Music Therapy, Washington DC, 1999.
- “Models for Research in Music Education” New York State Music Association, Rochester, NY, 1999.
- “Research in Music” Keynote Address: Kentucky Music Educators Association, Louisville, KY, 2000.
- “Discrimination and Interference in the Recall of Melodic Stimuli among School Children.” MENC National Convention, Washington, DC, 2000.
- “Meaningful Listening and focus of Attention: A Model” International Society for Music Education, Salt Lake City, UT, 2000.
- “Discrimination and Interference of Melodic Stimuli: Musically Trained and Untrained Adults versus children.” With K. Madsen, International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Keele University, Newcastle, England, 2000.
- “Music and the Human Condition.” University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO, 2000.
- “Research in Education: Student/Teacher Interaction.” Scientific Society of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000.
- “Keynote Speaker: Research in Music Education.” III Interamerican Conference in Music Research, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2000.
- “Research in Music.” Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, 2000.
- “Internal versus External Locus of Control.” With W. Goins, National Conference, American Music Therapy Association, St. Louis, MO, 2000.
- “New Dimensions: A Sociological Perspective on the School Music Teacher Shortage.” 76th Annual Meeting, National Association of Schools of Music, San Diego, CA, 2000.
- “Perception and Cognition in Music: Trained Musicians versus Children.” With K. Madsen, Southern Division Music Educators National Convention, Louisville, KY, 2001.
- “Research on Teacher Intensity in Music Education.” Keynote Address, Desert Skies National Symposium on Research in Music Education, Tucson, AZ, 2001.
- “Effective Teaching in Arts Education.” Arizona Symposium on Arts Education, Tucson, AZ, 2001.
- “The Future of Music Education: A Research Perspective.” University of Missouri, Kansas City, KS, 2001.
- “Perception and Cognition in Music: Musically Trained and Untrained Adults compared to 8th grade and 6th grade children. 14th International National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, Texas Women’s University, Fort Worth, TX, 2001.
- “Research in Music: Perception, Cognition and Aesthetic Models.” School of Music, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, 2001.
- “Research in Music Education: Behavioral Models.” National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, 2001.
- “A Music Analog to Assess Stress Responses.” National Conference, American Music Therapy Association, Pasadena, CA, 2001.
- “The Future of Music Education: Social and Academic Research Implications, Oregon Music Educators, Eugene, OR, 2002.
- “Research on Teacher Intensity.” Texas Music Educators Association, San Antonio, TX, 2002.
- “Music and the Community College.” Virginia Community College System Music Peer Group Conference, Richmond, VA, 2002.
- “Support for Music Education: Issues concerning Attrition and Retention” With C. Hancock, MENC National Convention, Nashville, TN, 2002.
- “Research in Music Education: Jazz Curricula.” Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2002.
- “Melodic Perception of Adolescent Students in Argentina, Brazil and the United States.” With J. M. Geringer, Research Commission, ISME, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2002.
- “International Comparisons of Melodic Discrimination.” With J. M. Geringer, International Society of Music Education, Bergen, Norway, 2002.
- “Time Spent in Applied Music: Music Therapists vs. Other Musicians.” National Conference, American Music Therapy Association, Atlanta, GA, 2002.
- “Music Acoustics: Measurement of Responsiveness to Music.” Keynote, International Society for Music Acoustics, Mexico City, Mexico, 2002.
- “Internal versus External Locus of Control: An Analysis of Music Instrument Populations.” With J. Southall, Southern Division, MENC, Savannah, GA, 2003.
- “The Future of Music Education.” Keynote Address: Illinois Music Educators Association, Peoria, IL, 2003.
- “Vision 2020 from the Editor’s Perspective.” Illinois Music Educators Association, Peoria, IL, 2003.
- “Research in Learning and Teaching Music.” Keynote Address: South Dakota Music Educators Association, Brookings, SD, 2003.
- “Developing a Research Process in Music Therapy.” Ohio University, Athens, OH, 2003.
- “A Thirty-year Follow-up Study of Applied Music Practice with Subsequent Level of Performance and Ratings of Formers Instructors.” 15th International National Symposium: Research in Music Behavior, VanderCook College of Music, Chicago, IL, 2003.
- “The Magic of Motivation: Research Implications, Music Teachers National Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2003.
- “Time: Research Implication for the Practicing Teacher.” Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 2003
- “Applications Pertaining to the Ongoing Measurement of Music Listening.” Seventh International Symposium, RAIME, Corsham Court, Wiltshire, England, 2003.
- “A Positive Approach for Social Interaction” Keynote: American School Band Directors Association, National Conference, Columbus, OH, 2003.
- “Estimated Number of Individual Melodies Known by Undergraduates and Graduate Students in Music Therapy.” With J. M. Geringer, American Association for Music Therapy National Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2004.
- “A Future I Would Welcome.” Robert M. Trotter Distinguished Professor Lecture, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2004.
- “A School Violin Project for At-Risk Students.” With M. Allen, et al., Music Educators National Association, National Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2004.
- “Research in Music Education: Implications for Global Studies in Music.” Hong Kong Institute for Education, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2004.
- “Research in Music Education.” CMENC Keynote, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 2004.
- “Student Evaluation of Music Instruction: A Longitudinal Study” With J. Napoles, South Eastern Region, American Association for Music Therapy, Chattanooga, TN. 2004.
- “Gradual Tempo Changes and Aesthetic Responses of Music Majors.” With J. M. Geringer, Research Commission, International Society for Music Education, Las Palmas, Spain, 2004. Also, Presented at ISME Conference, Tenerife, Spain, 2004.
- “Music Majors’ Perception of Flugelhorn and Bb, C, Eb, and Piccolo Trumpets.” With J. M. Geringer, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Evanston, IL, 782-3.
- “Behavioral Research in Music: Issues of Long-term Productivity.” Utah State University, Logan, UT, 2005.
- “Research in Music Aesthetics.” The Distinguished Professor Lecture, University of Texas, Austin, TX, 2005.
- “Audio versus Audio-visual Perception of Different Conductors” 16th International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, St. Louis, MI, 2005.
- “First Remembered Responses to Music: Music Therapists versus other Music Majors” With J. M Geringer, American Music Therapy Association, National Conference, Austin, TX, 2005.
- “On-going Measurement of the Emotional Response to Music.” Eighth International Symposium RAIME, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2005.
- “Higher Education in Transition: A Future I Would Welcome.” Harry F. Ganders Memorial Lecture, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 2005.
- “Developing a Research Agenda from a Personal Perspective.” Conference Chair Presents, American Association for Music Therapy, Orlando, FL, 2005.
- “Research in Music: Social versus Academic.” Georgia Music Educators Association, Savannah, GA, 2005.
- “Graduate versus Undergraduate Scholarship in Music Therapy.” Southeastern Region, American Association for Music Therapy, Chattanooga, TN, 2005.
- “Essentials of a Research-based Rehearsal.” Indian River Community College, Ft Pierce, FL, 2006.
- “Measuring the Tension Response to Music.” Southeastern Conference, American Music Therapy Association. Louisville, KY, 2006.
- “A Simple Measurement of the Emotional Response to Music.” Music Educators National Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2006.
- “Experimental and Behavioral Research in Music.” University CAECE, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006.
- “Research Using Ongoing Measurement Digital Devices” Institute of Education, London University, England. 2006.
- “Reflections on Pucinni’s LaBoheme: Investigating a Model for Listening. Research Commission. International Society for Music Research, Bali, Indonesia, 2006. (with J. M. Geringer)
- “Criteria for Assessing the Truthfulness of a Newspaper Article” American Music Therapy Association, National Conference, Kansas City, MO, 2006. (with Geringer, J. M. & Fredrickson, W. E.)
- “Development and Validation of an Emotional Assessment Inventory.” American Music Therapy Association, National Conference, Kansas City, 2006. (with Marie Webb)
- “Research in Music Education.” Invitational Seminar, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, 2006.
- “New Developments in Music Therapy Research.” Duesqunes University, Pittsburg, PA, 2006.
- “Measuring the Tension Response to Music.” Southeastern Conference, American Music Therapy Association. Louisville, KY, 2006.
- “A Vision for the future of School Music Education” Yale University, 50th Year of Music Education Celebration, New Haven, CT, 2007.
- “Third Generation of the CRDI” Institute of Education, London University, England. 2007.
- “Effective Teaching in Music Education: Rehearsals that Matter.” MENC, Southern Division Biennial Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2007.
- “Development and Validation of an Emotional Inventory.” Paper presented at the 17th International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Baton Rouge, LA, 2007.
- “Criteria for Assessing the Truthfulness of a Newspaper Article: Undergraduates versus graduates: A replication and extension. Paperpresented at the Music Educators National Conference SouthernDivision, Charleston, SC, 2007. (with Geringer, J. M., & Fredrickson, W.)
- “Musicians’Perception of Conductors within Musical Context”. Paper presented atthe Research Alliance of Institutes for Music Education (RAIME). International Symposium, Miami, FL, 2007. (with Geringer J.)
- “Musicians’ Perception of Conductors: Music Therapists vs. Others.” Paperpresented at the American Music Therapy Association NationalConference, Louisville, KY, 2007. (with Geringer J.)
- “A Concise Emotional Inventory Applied Toward Private Teaching after Graduation.” American Music Therapy Association, National Conference, Louisville KY, 2007. (with Fredrickson, W.)
- “Measuring Emotional Response to Music. Southeastern Conference, American Music Therapy Association. Memphis, TN, 2007.
- “Research in Teacher Effectiveness.” Dee Grant Scholar, University of Utah, 2008.
- “Cross-cultural Research.” American Music therapy Association, National Conference, St. Louis, MI, 2008. (with Geringer, J & Madsen. K.)
- “Experimental and Behavioral Research in Music.” CAECE University, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008.
- “New Dimension in Measurement of the Emotional Responses to Music, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegra, Brazil, 2008.
- “External Evaluator, PhD Thesis, Evangelos Institute of Education, London University, England, 2008.
- “Research in Music Education.” Dee University Scholar, University of Utah, 2008.
- “Musicians’ Perceptions of Conductors within Music Context: Three Replications.” International Society for Music Education: International Society for Music Education, Research Commission Seminar, Porto, Portugal 2008. With John Geringer & Katia Madsen. Paper also presented at the research poster session at the International Society for Music Education Biennial Conference, Bologna, Italy.
- “College Music Students as Cross-age Tutors within an Afterschool Setting.” the International Society for Music Education Biennial Conference, Bologna, Italy, 2008. (with Steve Kelly)
- “Research in Music Behavior: Focus of Attention across Populations. SER-American Music Therapy Regional Conference, New Orleans, 2008. (with Katia Madsen)
- “A Cross-cultural Comparison of an Audio-video presentation.” American Music Therapy Association, National Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2008.
- “Continuous Response Measures”, University of London, London England, 2009.
- “Research in Music Education/Music Therapy.” Western Michigan University, Pioneer Music Educator Event, Kalamazoo, MI, 2009.
- “Frequency versus Magnitude in Music Therapy.” Keynote Speaker, SER-American Music Therapy Association, Atlanta, GA. 2009.
- “College Music Students as Cross-age tutors within an After-school Program.” 18th International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, St. Augustine, FL. 2009.
- “Establishing Time in the Learning Process.” Commencement Address, College of Eastern Utah, Price, UT. 2009.
- “Research in Music.” North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. 2009.
- “Children through adults’ responses to 20th century music: Investigating a model for meaningful listening.” Ninth International Symposium RAIME, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2009.
- “Background Music: Competition for Focus of Attention” with Frank Diaz. American Music Therapy Association, National Conference, San Diego, CA. 2009.
- “Structures for Motivation.” Florida American Choral Directors Association, Orlando, 2009.
- “Structuring Time in the Choral Rehearsal.” Florida American Choral Directors Association, Orlando, 2009.
- “The Value of Professional Organizations.” Keynote Speech, MENC Biennial Conference, Anaheim, CA 2010.
- “Music Students as Cross-age Tutors.” MENC Biennial Conference: Anaheim, CA 2010.
- “Effect of Instruction in Appropriate Rubato usage on Onset Timings and Perceived Musicianship of Mozart & Bach Performances: A CRDI Replication.” International Society of Music Education Research Seminar, Changchun, China & International Conference, Beijing China. 2010
- “Ongoing Perceptions of Temporal Deviation.” International Conference ISME, Beijing China, 2010.
- “LGBT Conference Summary.” Establishing Identify: LGBT Studies and Music Education.” University of Illinois, 2010.
- “Research in Music Education.” Dream-course Guest. University of Oklahoma, Norman, 2010.
- “Models of Leadership in Music Therapy and Music Education.” East Carolina University, Greenville, 2010.
- “Popular Music as a Socializing Agent for a Middle School Boy with Asperger’s Syndrome: A Case StudyWith Mathieu C. Fredrickson & William E. Fredrickson, American Music Therapy National Conference, Cleveland OH. 2010
- “New Applications of the Continuous Response Digital Interface,” University of London, London England, 2010.
- “Analysis of Edward Geary Theater.” College of Eastern Utah, Price, UT. 2010.
- “Musicians’ Preferences for Tempo and Pitch Levels In Classic Rock Music.” Tenth International Symposium RAIME Boston, Massachusetts 2011. (with C.M Johnson, J.M. Geringer & D. Gadbury)
- “Measuring Expressivity across Time.” Tenth International Symposium RAIME, Boston, Massachusetts 2011. (with J.M. Silveira)
- “Factors Affecting Recall of Rhythmic Stimuli.” 20th International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
- “Background Music: Competition for Focus of Attention” Research Presentation University of Oregon , Eugene, Oregon, OR, 2011.
- “Latest Developments in Research in Music Education.” James Madison University, Distinguished Lecture Series, Harrisonburg VA, 2011.
- “Re-evaluating the entire Music Education Curriculum.” Opening Venue Ceremonial Speech for Ithaca College, Ithaca NY, August, 2011.
- “History and Development of the Continuous Response Digital Interface.” Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Indiana, 2011.
- “Research Advances in Music Education.” Northeastern Symposium in Music Education November, Ithaca College, NY. 2012.
- “Effects of a Brief Distraction on Perceptions of Attention, Aesthetic Response, and Flow during Music” Presented at the 2012 World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, Thessaloniki, Greece. July, 2012.(with Johnson, C. M., Geringer, J. M., Southall, J., & Brunkan, M. C.)
- “Measuring listeners’ perception of expressivity across time.” NAfME, St Louis, MR, March, 2012.(with J.Silveira)
- “Musicians’ perception of melodic intonation in performances with and without vibrato.” Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Thessaloniki, Greece July, 2012. (with Geringer, J. M., MacLeod, R. B., & Napoles, J.)
- “Use of the Interpersonal Perception Task (IPT-15) of social intelligence to compare music therapy majors versus other music majors.” American Association for Music Therapy National conference, Chicago, IL November, 2012. (with Kawkami, Ed)
- “A Fifty Year Synopsis of Long-term Research.” Invited presentation at the Ohio State University on the occasion on the retirement of Dr. Jere Lee Forsyth. April, 2012.
- “Research Advances in Music Education.” Symposium in Music Education, November, Ithaca College, NY. November, 2012.
- “History and Development of the Continuous Response Digital Interface.” Lecture Series, University of Oregon, 2012.
- “Attributes of self-concept attributable to music performance.” Twentieth International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Seattle, Washington. March, 2013.
- “Who am I and what will I Become?” New Mexico State GEAR UP Program, Demming, New Mexico, April, 2013.
- “Limitations of the Continuous Response Digital Interface in Assessing Short Music Excerpts.” National University of the Arts and the National Technological University, on-line interaction, Bueno Aires, 2013.
- ”Self-concept relating to music performance: Music therapists vs. other musicians. American Association for Music Therapy National Conference, Jacksonville, FL 2013. (with Kawakami, Ed)
- “Relating Aspect of Pre-service Preparation to Subsequent teaching Effectiveness.”. 25th Inernational Society for Music Education. Preceedings of the Research Seminar, Sao Joao, Brazil, 2015. (with Fredrickson, W. F.)
- “Research in Music.” Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, February 2015.
- “Music Research: Something More Than Performance.” Distinguished Visiting Professorial Address. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS March 2015.
- “Competition for Focus of attention: A 15 and 30 year replication.” Twenty-first International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Tallahassee, FL March 2015.
- “Research in Music Education: Extending the Focus.” Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, February 2015.
- “Music Research: Something More Than Performance.” Distinguished Visiting Professorial Address. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS March 2015.
- “Competition for Focus of attention: A 15 and 30 year replication.” Twenty-first International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Tallahassee, FL March 2015.
- “Developing Leadership Skills in the Music Environment.” University of Colorado—Mesa, Grand Junction, CO October 2015.
- “Limitations of the Continuous Response Digital Interface.” National University of the Arts and the National Technological University, on-line interaction, Buenos Aires, 2015.
- “Research Reating to Personal Isues in Music Eduction.” Keynote: Florida Music Educators Association. 2016.
- “String Pedagogy: Research toward a Positive Approach.” American String Teachers Association, National Conference, Tampa, FL March, 2016.
- “Multitasking and Competition for Focus of Attention, National Association for Music Education, National Conference. Atlanta, GA, March, 2016. (with Bridges, C)
- “Intervention with a 5-year old Boy with Selective Mutism within a Regular Classroom.” American Music therapy Association, Regional Conference, Macon, GA March, 2016. (with Bugaj, K.)
- “Intervention within a Natural Environment with Boy with Selective Mutism,” American Association for Music Therapy, National Conference, Kalahari Resort, Sandusky, Ohio. November, 2016. (with Bugaj, K.)
- “Intervention with a 5-year old Boy with Selective Mutism within a Regular Classroom.” American String Teachers Association, National Conference, Pittsburg, PA, (same presentation as regional conference and AMTA above) March, 2017. (with Bugaj, K.)
- Research analysis of general facial affect,Regional Conference, SER-AMTA, Chapel Hill, NC, April, 2017.
- “Do you see what I see?” Desert Skies National Symposium, Tempe AZ, February, 2017. (with Clark, R. H.)
- “The use of a TRUE MIRROR© in developing desired facial responses for music conductors.” International Symposium for Research in Music Education/Therapy. Austin Texas.February, 2017. (with Clark, R. H.)
- “ Perceptions of Political Persons as a Guide for Music Therapy Interventions. American Association for Music Therapy, National Conference. St. Louis, MO, November, 2017. (with Clark, R. H.)
Workshops in applying research findings to music teachers and music therapists – Presented to over 200,000 professionals throughout the United States (45 states), Canada, Germany, Wales, England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, South Africa, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Mexico, Greece, Australia and the United Arab Emirates.